Making a difference
So often we think making a difference has to be serious and only address immediate needs of the other person. So often we can think why would I give a homeless lady some chocolate when she is hungry and a loaf of bread would probably mean more to her. But let me tell you something, yes when we go out to make a difference in someone’s life we must take it seriously and yes they have immediate needs but guess what ? They are still human like you and me. Just like how you sometimes crave chocolate they do too, just like how you feel special when you get some flowers or get taken to dinner by someone they also appreciate that. When we help at shelters we often focus on things to keep them alive but what about the fun things, we are so proud to see our interns and volunteers have seen the importance of this we see this through the recent beach day trip for the boys at St Francis by Lucas, not forgetting Josephine and Eva who threw a birthday party for one of the homeless people at the soup kitchen, and just this Friday the Umea University group surprised the homeless with some chocolate balls, just to mention a few. Making a difference does not only address immediate needs but also the extras that make being alive worthwhile.
If this is the kind of difference that you enjoy then you would love an internship at one of our projects we they focus on the forgotten things, a bunch of young amazing people with a heart to make a difference. They go from taking a homeless man to dinner, to delivering roses, to throwing a tea party at an old age home to going to a primary school and teaching kids to reuse by building exciting robots with their trash. This amazing organisation is looking for a photography intern who will join their team. This is a fantastic opportunity as you will not only be making a difference but will be growing your portfolio as a photographer how amazing!
Remember making a difference can be much unexpected; taking a picture of a little girl at an event can do so much to her esteem just you taking note of her. We often see making a difference as a deep task but what we forget is every day we make a difference without even noticing, that smile you give a stranger could be the validation they had been waiting for.
So often we think making a difference has to be serious and only address immediate needs of the other person. So often we can think why would I give a homeless lady some chocolate when she is hungry and a loaf of bread would probably mean more to her. But let me tell you something, yes when we go out to make a difference in someone’s life we must take it seriously and yes they have immediate needs but guess what ? They are still human like you and me. Just like how you sometimes crave chocolate they do too, just like how you feel special when you get some flowers or get taken to dinner by someone they also appreciate that. When we help at shelters we often focus on things to keep them alive but what about the fun things, we are so proud to see our interns and volunteers have seen the importance of this we see this through the recent beach day trip for the boys at St Francis by Lucas, not forgetting Josephine and Eva who threw a birthday party for one of the homeless people at the soup kitchen, and just this Friday the Umea University group surprised the homeless with some chocolate balls, just to mention a few. Making a difference does not only address immediate needs but also the extras that make being alive worthwhile.
If this is the kind of difference that you enjoy then you would love an internship at one of our projects we they focus on the forgotten things, a bunch of young amazing people with a heart to make a difference. They go from taking a homeless man to dinner, to delivering roses, to throwing a tea party at an old age home to going to a primary school and teaching kids to reuse by building exciting robots with their trash. This amazing organisation is looking for a photography intern who will join their team. This is a fantastic opportunity as you will not only be making a difference but will be growing your portfolio as a photographer how amazing!
Remember making a difference can be much unexpected; taking a picture of a little girl at an event can do so much to her esteem just you taking note of her. We often see making a difference as a deep task but what we forget is every day we make a difference without even noticing, that smile you give a stranger could be the validation they had been waiting for.